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Faucet Name Overview Rating
Cointiply One of the best faucets
RollerCoin Cryptocurrency mining simulator
Freecash Highest payouts and instant cashouts
TrustDice No.1 online casino with a faucet
Fire Faucet Automatically claim 12 cryptocurrencies at once
Allcoins.pw The impeccable, classic faucet
FaucetPay Mandatory registration, standard micropayment wallet
adBTC High rates ad surfing
Final Autoclaim 86 cryptocurrencies
Vie Faucet Top-tier faucets with high earning potential
DuckDice The best Bitcoin dice games and sports betting
FreeBitco.in Up to $200 in Bitcoin every hour
Satoshi Hero Freewheel and 3000+ Games
SatsFaucet The Rising Star of Bitcoin Faucets
COINPAYU Anyone can easily earn rewards
CryptoFlare Excellent, but it runs slowly
Crypto Junkie It may look suspicious at first, but...
BTCadSpace Also recommended for advertisers
Faucet Crypto Claim every 20 minutes, 24 cryptocurrencies available
NeoBux The small-scale but good website